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Text File | 1997-06-09 | 16.3 KB | 641 lines | [TEXT/????] |
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1995 by MicroProse Software
- ;
- ; Altering the contents of this file may cause the
- ; game to malfunction.
- ;
- @width=540
- @columns=3
- @listbox
- @title=Civilopedia: Civilization Advances
- @width=480
- @title=Civilization Advance
- ^^%STRING0
- ^
- ^Allows government form of same name.
- ^Allows settlers to build fortresses.
- ^Allows settlers to build airbases.
- ^Allows settlers to build railroads.
- ^Allows settlers to improve farmland.
- ^Increases the effect of temples.
- ^Increases the effect of colosseums.
- ^Worth bonus points in Civilization score.
- ^Increases ship movement rates by one.
- ^Improves Spaceship thrust by 25%.
- ^Free civ. advance for first civ. to discover.
- ^Decreases the effect of Cathedrals.
- ^Cancels the effect of
- @width=540
- @columns=3
- @listbox
- @title=Civilopedia: Unit Types
- @width=480
- @title=Unit Type
- ^^%STRING0
- ^
- ^Can see units two spaces away.
- ^Ignores enemy Zones of Control.
- ^Can make amphibious landings.
- ^Invisible to most enemy ships.
- ^Can attack aircraft in flight.
- ^May be lost out of sight of land.
- ^Ignores City Walls.
- ^Can carry friendly air units.
- ^Can make paradrops.
- ^Treats all squares as road squares.
- ^Defense +50% versus units with a movement factor of 2.
- ^Only Fundamentalist governments can build.
- ^Destroyed after attacking.
- ^Defense +100% versus air and missile units.
- ^Can spot enemy submarines in adjacent squares.
- @width=480
- @listbox
- @title=Civilopedia: Governments
- @width=540
- @columns=3
- @listbox
- @title=Civilopedia: City Improvements
- @width=480
- @title=City Improvement
- ^^%STRING0
- ^
- @;Palace
- Eliminates corruption and waste in the city,
- and decreases it in all nearby cities.
- @;Barracks
- City produces Veteran ground units. Ground units can
- be completely repaired in a single turn.
- @;Granary
- Only half of city's food store is depleted when
- city increases in size.
- @;Temple
- Up to two discontented citizens are made content.
- @;Marketplace
- Increases tax and luxury output by 50%%.
- @;Library
- Increases science output by 50%%.
- @;Courthouse
- Decreases corruption by 50%%. Makes city more resistant
- to bribery by enemy diplomats and spies. Under Democracy,
- one content citizen becomes happy.
- @;City Walls
- Units in city are tripled on defense versus ground attacks.
- @;Aqueduct
- Allows city to increase beyond size 8.
- @;Bank
- Increases tax and luxury output by an
- additional 50%% (cumulative w/ Marketplace).
- @;Cathedral
- Makes four unhappy citizens content (Three after Communism).
- @;University
- Increases science output by an additional
- 50%% (cumulative w/ Library).
- @;Mass Transit
- Eliminates pollution caused by population.
- @;Colosseum
- Three unhappy citizens are made content
- (four w/ Electronics).
- @;Factory
- Increases resource production in city by 50%%.
- @;Mfg. Plant
- Increases resource production by an additional 50%%
- (cumulative w/ Factory).
- @;SDI Defense
- Protects everything within three spaces of
- the city from nuclear attack.
- @;Recycling Center
- Decreases the pollution caused by factories.
- @;Power Plant
- Increases factory output by 50%%.
- @;Hydro Plant
- Increases factory output by 50%%. Cleaner
- than Power Plant, and generally safer than
- Nuclear Plant.
- @;Nuclear Plant
- Increases factory output by 50%%. Cleaner
- than Power Plant (same as Hydro Plant), but
- there is a risk of Nuclear Meltdown unless
- civilization has discovered Fusion.
- @;Stock Exchange
- Increases tax & luxuries output by an additional
- 50%% (cumulative with Marketplace & Bank for a grand
- total of 150%%).
- @;Sewer System
- Allows city to grow beyond size 12.
- @;Supermarket
- Allows squares in the city's radius with
- the "farmland" improvement (irrigated twice)
- to produce 50%% more food.
- @;Superhighways
- All squares in the city's radius with roads
- (or railroads) produce 50%% more trade.
- @;Research Lab
- Increases science output by an additional 50%%
- (cumulative with Library and University for a
- grand total of 150%%).
- @;SAM Missile Battery
- Units in city are doubled on defense against
- air units and non-nuclear missile units.
- @;Coastal Fortress
- Units in city are doubled on defense against
- shore bombardment by enemy ships.
- @;Solar Plant
- Increases factory output by 50%%. Cleaner
- than all other forms of power.
- @;Harbor
- All ocean squares in the city's radius
- produce one extra unit of food.
- @;Offshore Platform
- All ocean squares in the city's radius
- produce one shield.
- @;Airport
- City produces veteran air units.
- Any air unit spending its entire turn in the city
- is completely repaired.
- @;Police Station
- Decreases unhappiness caused by troops away from city by 1.
- @;Port Facility
- City produces veteran naval units.
- Any ship spending its entire turn in the city is
- completely repaired.
- @;SS Structural
- @;SS Component
- @;SS Module
- @;Capitalization
- Converts production into trade.
- @;Pyramids
- Counts as a Granary in every one of your cities.
- @;Hanging Gardens
- One extra happy citizen in every city.
- @;Colossus
- City produces one extra trade arrow in each square that
- already produces one.
- @;Lighthouse
- Triremes can move across oceans w/o danger, and all other
- types of ship have their movement rate increased by one.
- Also, all new ships you produce receive veteran status.
- @;Great Library
- Civilization receives any civilization advance
- already discovered by two other civilizations.
- @;Oracle
- Doubles the effect of all of your temples.
- @;Great Wall
- Enemy civilizations must offer cease-fire/peace
- in negotiations. Combat strength doubled against
- barbarians.
- @;Sun Tzu's War Academy
- All new ground units produced gain Veteran status.
- Any unit which wins a combat gains Veteran status.
- @;King Richard's Crusade
- Every square in the city's radius produces an extra
- resource "shield".
- @;Marco Polo's Embassy
- You receive a free embassy with every rival Civilization (so
- your intelligence report will always be complete and you will
- receive updates when other civilizations discover technologies).
- @;Michelangelo's Chapel
- Counts as a Cathedral in each of your cities.
- @;Copernicus' Observatory
- Increases science output of city by 50%%.
- @;Magellan's Expedition
- Movement rate of all ships is increased by two.
- @:Shakespeare's Theatre
- All unhappy citizens in city are content.
- @;Da Vinci's Workshop
- Whenever one of your units becomes obsolete because of a new
- technology you have discovered, it is immediately replaced
- by an equivalent modern unit.
- @;J.S. Bach's Cathedral
- Decreases unhappy citizens on same continent by 2 per city.
- @;Isaac Newton's College
- Doubles science output of city.
- @;Adam Smith's Trading Co.
- Pays the maintenance for all city improvements which
- ordinarily cost 1 gold per turn. City improvements
- requiring more than 1 gold per turn maintenance are not
- affected.
- @;Darwin's Voyage
- Two free civilization advances.
- @;The Statue of Liberty
- Eliminates the period of unrest between governments.
- Also allows any form of government to be chosen, even if
- the proper advance has not been discovered.
- @;The Eiffel Tower
- When you first obtain control of the Eiffel Tower,
- Every civilization's attitude toward you is immediately shifted 25 points
- in your favor (on a hundred point scale). Attitudes continue to improve
- gradually over time. Other civilizations are also quicker to forget your
- past transgressions.
- @;Hoover Dam
- Provides Hydro power to every city on every continent.
- @;Women's Suffrage
- Counts as a Police Station in every one of your cities.
- (Decreases unhappiness caused by troops away from city by 1).
- @;Manhattan Project
- Allows nuclear weapons to be built.
- @;United Nations
- ^* Free embassy with every other civilization
- ^* Enemy civ's cannot refuse your peace treaties.
- ^* As a democracy, you can declare war 50%% of the time
- ^ (peacekeeping missions).
- @;Apollo Program
- Allows construction of spaceship improvements.
- @;SETI Program
- Counts as a research lab in every one of your cities; effectively
- doubles your science output.
- @;Cure for Cancer
- One extra happy citizen in each city.
- @width=600
- @title=Civilization: Governments
- The form of government you choose for your civilization will
- affect the way resources are distributed in your cities, the
- rate at which your citizens can produce and sustain new units
- and city improvements, and the extent to which your citizens
- have a say in the way you govern them.
- ^
- Some forms of government, such as Despotism, Monarchy, and
- later Communism and Fundamentalism, allow you to expand
- rapidly, to produce and sustain large numbers of military
- units, and to control your affairs completely.
- ^
- Democracy and the Republic, on the other hand, give your
- citizens the freedom to produce vast amounts of trade, which
- increases your wealth and knowledge rapidly. On the other
- hand, your citizens may grow unhappy when you send military
- units out of your cities; also, your Senate may try to
- interfere in your conduct of foreign affairs.
- ^
- To change your civilization's government, you must have a
- Revolution--select "Revolution" from the Kingdom Menu. This
- will entail a brief period of Anarchy.
- @width=600
- @title=Civilization Government: Anarchy
- Anarchy represents not so much a government type as the
- lack of any stable government. Anarchy occurs when your
- civilization's government falls, or when you decide to
- have a Revolution. After a few turns of Anarchy, you will
- be able to reconstitute your government.
- ^
- Anarchy is similar to Despotism, except that the corruption
- rate is VERY HIGH (see entry for Despotism). However, no
- taxes are collected during a period of Anarchy, and no
- scientific research is conducted.
- @width=600
- @title=Civilization Government: Despotism
- Each unit above the city size costs one shield per turn.
- Settlers eat one food per turn.
- ^
- Up to three military units in each city will institute
- "martial law", converting an unhappy citizen into a content
- citizen.
- ^
- Despotism has a HIGH rate of corruption and waste. The
- level of corruption in a particular city is based on its
- distance from your capital.
- ^
- Under a Despotism, none of the science/tax/luxury rates may
- be set higher than 60%%. ALSO, ANY SQUARE WHICH WOULD ORDINARILY
- ^
- Because of Despotism's high rate of corruption, it is almost
- always an inferior form of government. Try to switch to a
- Monarchy as soon as possible.
- @width=600
- @title=Civilization Government: Monarchy
- Each unit beyond the third costs one shield per turn.
- Settlers eat one food per turn.
- ^
- Up to three military units in each city will institute
- "martial law", converting an unhappy citizen into a content
- citizen.
- ^
- Monarchy has a MODERATE rate of corruption and waste. The
- level of corruption in a particular city is based on its
- distance from your capital.
- ^
- Under a Monarchy, none of the science/tax/luxury rates may
- be set higher than 70%%.
- ^
- Monarchy is an excellent form of government for a young
- civilization.
- @width=600
- @title=Civilization Government: Communism
- Each unit beyond the third costs one shield per turn.
- Settlers eat one food per turn.
- ^
- Up to three military units in each city will institute
- "martial law", converting *TWO* unhappy citizens into
- content citizens (so a total of SIX unhappy citizens can
- be suppressed).
- ^
- Under Communism, state control of the economy eliminates
- organized crime. Your cities, therefore, experience no
- corruption.
- ^
- All SPY units produced under Communist governments are
- given VETERAN status. Under Communism, none of the
- science/tax/luxury rates may be set higher than 80%%.
- ^
- Communism is best for large, far-flung empires which need
- to maintain a large military. Use your powerful spies to
- steal technology from the capitalist pigs.
- @width=600
- @title=Civilization Government: Fundamentalism
- Can support up to TEN units for free; additional
- units cost one shield each. Settlers eat one
- food per turn. ONLY Fundamentalisms may produce
- FANATIC units.
- ^
- Under Fundamentalism, NO CITIZEN IS EVER UNHAPPY!
- ^
- Fundamentalism has a LOW rate of corruption.
- However, Fundamentalism has the special disadvantage that
- ^
- Improvements which convert unhappy citizens to
- content citizens (Temples, etc.)
- produce "tithes" equal to the number of citizens they would
- otherwise convert. They also require no maintenance.
- The diplomatic penalties for "terrorist acts" committed by
- your Diplomats and Spies are reduced.
- Under Fundamentalism, none of the science/tax/luxury rates may
- be set higher than 80%%.
- ^
- Fundamentalism eliminates all happiness problems and provides
- an excellent revenue. Scientific research tends to languish.
- @width=600
- @title=Civilization Government: Republic
- Each unit costs one shield per turn. Settlers eat TWO
- food per turn.
- ^
- Each military unit AFTER THE FIRST which is not in a friendly
- city (or a fortress within 3 spaces of a friendly city)
- causes one citizen in its home city to become unhappy.
- ^
- The Republic has a LOW rate of corruption and waste. The
- level of corruption in a particular city is based on its
- distance from your capital.
- ^
- Under a Republic, each square which ordinarily produces at
- least one unit of trade produces an extra unit.
- None of the science/tax/luxury rates may be set higher
- than 80%%.
- ^
- Switching to a Republic can give an astounding boost to your
- science and tax revenues, although you'll probably have to
- divert some of your trade to luxuries. It becomes more
- difficult (and expensive) to keep an army in the field, but
- building the Womens Suffrage wonder can help with this
- problem.
- @width=600
- @title=Civilization Government: Democracy
- Each unit costs one shield per turn. Settlers eat TWO
- food per turn.
- ^
- Each unit which is not in a friendly
- city (or a fortress within 3 spaces of a friendly city)
- causes TWO citizens in its home city to become unhappy.
- ^
- Democracies experience NO corruption or waste.
- ^
- Under a Democracy, each square which ordinarily produces at
- least one unit of trade produces an extra unit.
- The units and cities of a Democracy are immune to BRIBERY
- of all forms.
- The science/tax/luxury rates may be set to any level
- desired.
- ^
- Democracies can produce spectacular amounts of revenue and
- scientific research. However, because of the severe
- happiness restrictions on military units, this form of
- government tends to be viable only for large, advanced
- civilizations. Increasing your luxuries rate and building
- Wonders can help alleviate this problem.
- @;This line must remain at the end of this file!